Support Us

Thank you for joining us in bringing prayer and revival to the next generations in Korea and beyond! Thank you for investing in future young Christian leaders!


We will always need your prayers! Please stay updated by subscribing to our newsletters below. We appreciate prayers at any time and from anyone.

However, we also need consistent prayer warriors in whom we can sometimes confide more sensitive prayer requests. If you feel led by God to support us in this way, please email us and let us know, so that we can occasionally send you more specific updates for urgent and personal prayer.


Your donation will help us especially during our transition period and as we build up the ministry to impact many generations in Korea and beyond.

To process your tax-deductible donation, we have partnered with Americas Hand in Hand. This is the mission agency that sent Abraham’s father as a missionary to Honduras many years ago. They will send you a statement at the end of the year.

By Check / Bill Pay

If you prefer to send your support by check, or want to use your bank’s Bill Pay feature, please make it payable to Americas Hand in Hand, and write “Fowlers in Korea” in the memo line. Mail to:

Americas Hand in Hand
P. O. Box 21113
Billings, MT 59104